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Showing posts from December, 2020

End of Year Recap: 2020 Edition

Well what a year it has been .. Everyone knows this though, so I'm not going to go into too much depth about how crap of a year it was and say all the cliche things about how "excited" I am about 2021. As much as I truly do hope this next year is going to be a different year and hopefully full of positive change, I just don't trust people around me to make it happen! It takes all of us to work together, but there's too many people out there who don't think this can effect them, and you all know what I mean when I say "this." I'm thankful though to live in a state where things are taken much more seriously and cases are actually much lower than the rest of the country due to our state government taking those earlier precautions. So for that, I'm grateful.  This year for me has for sure been one of the hardest yet. I used to never worry about my work ... I've had a job or two since I was 16 years old, and to have to go onto unemployment for