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Just About Surgery Time (Posted 5/8/2016)

Wowzers. It's officially the day before surgery. I thought this day would never come. It sure has been a rough and busy 10 days since I've last written!

I officially moved out of my dorm this past Wednesday. That Wednesday I also woke up with a nasty cold (SOS!!!). Wednesday was of course the 5 day mark meaning I wasn't able to take most medicines... So here I am 5 days before surgery having to battle a lovely cold in time for surgery with no medicine...eek! Luckily on Thursday my mom found a few meds I could take, so that plus sinus rinses have been helping. It didn't really hit me that surgery was so close until I realized I was actually finished with my freshman year and that I was at home for four months. I quickly realized that this surgery was all too real. Yesterday we started preparations as a family. My parents cleaned the house, I started using this cream to prevent infections, and we packed hospital bags. Swedish sent me a 20 minute video presentation about anesthesia that I had to go through and after I finished that, full blown panic. I know that my odds are very good since I'm young and healthy, but it's just a rough procedure and of course it's normal to be scared.

My surgery check in time is 6am and who knows when I will actually be taken back to the OR. The procedure should only take a few hours or so, and then I will be spending the rest of the night in a room in the ICU to my knowledge. I'm not exactly sure how many days I will be spending in the hospital, but it's two days minimum. My mom will be updating through Facebook and I will update on the blog and my personal social medias when I come around. Visitors will not be able to come on Monday, but Tuesday limited visitors are allowed if I am doing okay. So this will be the last post before surgery!

It has been a rough few months, but really a rough few years for my health. The Chiari is linked to so many of my previous health problems and I am so thankful for answers and for being able to get my symptoms relieved (even though I'm scared to death). I really want to give a huge thank you to my family and family friends for supporting me through all of these trials and endless doctors appointments. However I also want to thank my amazing school, Cornish, and the awesome people there. It is extremely challenging to deal with something this big when you are away from home, and the friends, peers, teachers, and staff that surrounded me daily were such a huge help on this journey. Not one day passed where I wasn't taken care of, asked how I was, or given dozens of hugs. I couldn't have gotten through without my amazing team of friends and loved ones. You guys are my rock and will continue to be through surgery and recovery.

Thank you all and happy surgery!!



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