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Post-Surgery #2 Update (Posted 2/11/2017)

Well it has been over a month since I have given an update on my health! First off, I was not prepared for the aftermath of my rhizotomy procedure. I was in so much pain, and I was unable to take any anti-inflammatories afterwards for two full weeks. Well, two weeks later I was going under for my second it was interesting to say the least.

It is now just about three weeks post-op, and I'm doing much better than expected. This recovery is slightly different than the last for me. I'm dealing with nausea/vomiting rather then pain. I'm already down to one oxy pill every four hours when last time around I was still on three. My fatigue is insane (mainly due to meds), so I find myself asleep more than awake. I have not been out of the house or my bed much, just due to the fact that it takes a lot out of me. I'm trying my hardest to keep my spirits up, but it has been more difficult this time around, most likely due to the fact that Cornish is in session and I feel gross.

Any who... This was a quick update as I don't have much energy to write out more detail. Thank you for all of the continued thoughts, prayers, hugs, and visits. They mean more to me than you know!


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